It has been over two years now since I left Canada and began this journey of full-time travel. When I left, I didn’t know if I would last two weeks or two months. Today, I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas day for 2024 from Jordan.

Christmas Time
To be honest, Christmas has never been a great holiday for me. When my children were small, I would dedicate the month of December, to creating magic for them. I wanted to give them wonder, fun, holiday traditions and love. 🥰
It was exhausting. 😂 I don’t regret it for an instant, but it sure did wear me out. During those years, my Christmas day was one of ‘phew’ I made it, everything turned out, but now I’m wrecked for the next few weeks, mentally and physically.
Travel Christmases
This will be my third Christmas day away from the kids and from Canada. The first one was spent in Mexico, hot as heck and didn’t feel like Christmas at all.

The second one was spent in Vietnam, again hot as heck and didn’t feel like Christmas either.

This one, in Jordan, is pure magic. I am consumed by historical beauty, surrounded by the arid landscapes that I adore and am living my dream.
Christmas 2024
I’m really missing the kids. They are my everything. Each one has plans already set, either with their spouse or other family members. They will all be busy today and be around people who love them. That brings me tremendous joy.

My day? My gosh, I can’t wait to tell you, I’m bursting with excitement. I’ve given myself a present, the gift of dreams.
To my dear children, today I wish you all a very happy Christmas filled with laughter and love. Each of you is my dearest treasure and the most important part of my life. You are my life.
Love forever,