I’m staying in the flat today. While I feel I have improved over yesterday, I need to let my body recover more before I make demands of it. I’m so glad I followed my tried and tested rule on the first day I arrived here in Sayulita. Why foresight is so valuable is allowing me the luxury of staying onsite and relaxing for another day.

Thinking Ahead
Because I am a solo traveller, I only have myself to rely on. There are a multitude of things I do in preparation for travelling alone, and I do these every time I move locations. One of the biggest things is to make sure I have a minimum of food and drink in the flat to last three days.
When I first arrive at a new destination, I check in, drop my bags and check out what supplies are in the kitchen. Biggest issue, is there safe drinking water? Are there any cleaning supplies? Are there any condiments? With that information in hand, I head straight back out the door on my first supply mission.
If there is no safe water, I purchase that first and will bring an armload back to the apartment. Then each and every day after that, I make a point of never returning to the flat without at least another bottle of liquid.
Second mission is beverages and food. I always purchase two bottles of an electrolyte drink, a diet coke, beer 🙂 and carbonated water.
Safe Food
For food, I want the basics covered. For me this includes, a loaf of bread, stick of butter, carton of eggs, block of cheese, bag of rice or pasta, bananas, sliced sandwich meat, yogourt, and biscuits.
On later expeditions I will stock up on fruit, vegetables and other goodies, but for an emergency stash, the above is adequate.
And once again, that preparation has paid off in spades. I have been house bound for two days with the Sayulita sickness, but I have not had to worry one bit about safe liquids or food.
The first day of illness, by mid afternoon, I was able to keep down liquids in small sips, a banana and then at dinner about 1/2 cup of plain pasta with butter, salt & pepper. Today I’m golden, a banana, a grilled cheese sandy and one cup of plain pasta.
I cannot tell you how comforting it is not to have to worry about basic necessities when you are feeling down and out. This system has served me well multiple times over the years.
Be well.