My first day here, I spend getting myself settled into my hotel and acquainted with my surroundings. Once again, I am the only person checked in, due to the lack of tourists in the region. I’m curious to see what this town is like, having only been developed in the last 30 years. Come with me and see what’s in the town of Wadi Musa at Petra.

What's in the Town of Wadi Musa at Petra
Town of Wadi Musa

Area Near Petra

There seem to be a few different areas to this now sprawling municipality. With I’m told, over 300 hotels, you can imagine how spread-out the place it. Down at the lowest point, is the large visitors centre and main entrance to Petra.

The area just above this, is where my hotel is situated. It takes me 15 minutes walking to reach the entrance. All around me are other small hotels, local family restaurants, souvenir shops and a few small convenience stores.

A shop called ‘Supermarket Local Price’ or ‘Supermarket Normal Price’ is situated down here on the main street. The owner will sit you down, have a long chat, tell you how amazing both of his shops are, and provide you with a bag. After you have selected your products, while adding up your items, he displays expert Houdini like skills on the calculator. 😂 Forewarned is forearmed. 🙃

Across from the main street, is a large open plaza, covered in white marble. It looks completely deserted at all times. Beyond this, a deep and dry river bed. It appears that construction has been ongoing here, perhaps to control the flow of water on the odd occasions that it does receive a substantial downpour.


Walking up the main road now, to reach the ‘downtown’ takes about 25 minutes. The grade is quite steep and I find myself out of breath and stop to take photos of the views down below.

The downtown core consists of a few busy streets, full of commerce. Here visitors will find two banks, barbers, laundromats, a new and large pharmacy, IT shops, clothing, a new mall, and a plethora of restaurants and small grocery shops. There is even a huge vape and shisha shop on one corner.

Town of Wadi Musa
Town of Wadi Musa


Wanting to pick up some food for my hotel room, I begin to have a look around. Luckily, I have read reviews of these stores, and know that charging tourists a premium is the norm. Just like the reviews tell me, nothing the tourists are likely to purchase is marked with a price sticker. Supermarket Jawad is an exception. His items are mostly priced and they are fair. He even has a small selection of fruits.

I have found one larger store that also displays prices, in Arabic, of some things. I take these to the counter to purchase, little packages of hummus and such. Even though I have used google translate and know the prices, I am still overcharged. I give a polite ‘la shukran’ to the shopkeeper and leave my items behind. Not discouraged, just a little surprised, the search continues.

Sanabel Bakery & Sweets

There is a large and well stocked bakery close by. I am wowed with just how much product he has on display and it all looks amazing. I chose a few things and am thrilled when he charges me 1DR, which I can believe is the going rate and not the tourist price. Yay! I’ve procured something delicious to eat. Two big soft buns that are filled with I think, date paste, and a package of 10 small round fresh breads.

The Jebels

Beyond the downtown area, are numerous jebels (hills) all being slowly covered with housing. I imagine this is where the towns residents live and possibly a few more hotels. Although by now, this distance is fairly far from Petra, so the walk would be considerable for visitors.

The chef from my hotel has offered to drive me around this evening and show me the views. Here are some of those photos to give you an idea of just how big Wadi Musa is.

Wadi Mussa Springs

One thing that is lovely to see in this town, is a natural spring that bubbles up from the stone. Years ago, this was raw and untouched, and people came from all around to drink this healing water.

Today, a building has been constructed over top of the source of the water. I’m taken here by my hotel chef, who insists I drink the water. Its lovely and clear and while I am visiting, locals come by and fill water bottles full of this bounty.

Wadi Musa is indeed a surprise to find. After speaking with my parents, who visited Petra probably 30 years ago or so, I learn there was only one small hotel at that time. I’m sure if they could visit today, they would be astounded by what is here. Unfortunately, Jordan’s tourism industry is currently suffering greatly because of the neighbouring countries. But in full swing? Wadi Musa would be a thriving and bustling place.

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