I think all readers know by now that I am a market fiend. As soon as I arrived in Malta and got myself settled, you better believe I started googling local markets. 😊 Well I found one, within walking distance. What a beautiful market in Birgu I found early on a Tuesday morning.

What a Beautiful Market in Birgu

What is For Sale

This is an early market, opening at 6am and closing by 11am. Yes, that is really early, especially since the sun doesn’t rise until 6:45! I was not heading out that early. I left my flat at 8 and arrived by 8:30.

The first thing I noticed as I approached the area were tables set up and down both sides of the street. Items being sold were household products, grocery products, clothing, both new and used, flowers and food!

Towels & bedding
Kitchen goods

I did not see any food trucks or cooked foods per say. There were a lot of grocery type products, like biscuits, canned good, dried pastas etc. What struck me the most was the produce. Oh my. I was in heaven.


There was loads. And it was all gorgeous. I took so many pictures and before I knew it my bag was bulging, laden with goods. I had not planned on purchasing anything because this market was a 30 minute walk for me. But resist, I could not.


Strawberries are in season, they are a deep red, darker than blood. Red all the way through, huge, cheap and bursting with flavour. Nothing in comparison to the pale inedible ones we get back home in Canada. These are picked when ripe, the sight and flavour just stunning.

Other fruits are melons, pears, apples and loads of varieties of oranges, some beautifully wrapped in decorative papers.


Vegetables are just about limitless. It is spring time here, so beautiful seasonal veg has begun. Large fresh peas in the pod, the biggest broccoli and cauliflower heads I have ever seen. For purchase were beautiful eggplants and several varieties of tomatoes, onions and beans.

Potatoes and pumpkins and many things with the dirt still attached, which I love! Except for some of the boxed oranges, nothing looked at all sterile and cleaned to within an inch of its life.

Everything I saw looked picked at perfection. As the morning wore on, most stalls were swarming with buyers, many older and with pull carts.


Charmingly, a few vendors were calling out loudly to attract buyers to their tables, rather than their competition. It was almost festive and very competitive! A lot of fun for me to experience for sure.

I love markets so much. For me they are the essence of any community or neighbourhood. Here you see, feel and witness what the local people are doing. How they are interacting with one another, how they dress, how they barter.

This market was no exception, it was marvellous. I have not even begun to show the pictures of the seafood and other delights, so I will have to make another post.

A Story

I also had an amazing interaction here with one of the vendors, he made my day with his humble kindness.

My last purchase was a little bag with four potatoes. I found the seller and asked him how much. He asked if I was Maltese, and I said no. This made me think maybe he didn’t speak much English. So instead of having him find words he was uncomfortable with, I held out my open palm full of coins so he could take what he wanted.

A moment later, he said “20” and took 20 cents. I looked at him and said ‘Grazzi’ and gave him a big smile. He reached over and grabbed two more potatoes and popped them into my bag. I was so surprised, I smiled large and with utmost gratitude, and said “Grazzi very much!!”. The sweet man then reached over and grabbed three carrots and put them into my bag!

What do you do when someone is that kind? I was lost in emotion. I asked him if I could have a photo and well I now have a selfie, me with my favourite produce vendor. 😊

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