One of the things I did not want to miss, on this first trip to Ubud, was to explore the majestic rice patties that I have seen so many pictures of on social media. There is one specifically that is within walking distance of the town. Walking thru the Kajeng rice fields in Ubud is a pure delight.

Getting There
I will put a google maps link here, but it is quite easy to find. Also called Juwuk Manis Rice Field, if you see signs for either, it will take you to the same place. To reach the unofficial entrance to the fields, one must first walk through a wide tourist shopping street. Here, after 10am, visitors will find all sorts of souvenirs and tourist tat should you wish to pick up some treasures.

This street is lined with personalized paving stones and is actually quite sweet to stroll up. I was on the lookout for names of friends and loved ones that I recognized.
The Entrance
At the end of this shopping street, keep walking ahead. You will pass some construction on your left and a high wall to the right. Once past this the road veers to the left and you will see a sign letting you know you have reached the right path.

This entrance is enchanting, with a wall covered in lush greenery on your left and equally thick bushes to the right. There will be motorcycles whizzing past, so be careful.
Before you know it, both sides will fall away, and you will have entered the rice fields!

Rice Fields
I found this entire area utterly beautiful. The green is just soooo green and if you are lucky to be here on a blue sky day, well, its all the more delightful.
Fields on both sides will emerge, filled with both freshly planted rice and some ready for harvest. These are immersed in water as this is critical to the plant’s life.
When the sunshine glistens off the still waters, its magic before your eyes. Keep you ears peeled for bird sound and insects.
Both times I visited, there were many birds to see. Cute ducks marching along from patty to patty, eating up the goodies along the way. So many chickens and roosters, busy in the bushes finding insects and treats. My favourite of course were the mommas with their little brood of chicks tagging along.

On the left side is a farmer with two beautiful brown cows. Watch as they methodically munch away on fresh grasses supplied by the farmer.

So many bugs! I found a huge red-winged dragonfly laying its eggs inside a leaf. A chubby thin-skinned lizard crossed my path but he was so fast, the photo is abysmal.

Eventually the path peters out. You will come to a flowing stream and on the left is a low concrete wall. I tried walking on this further into the jungle, but eventually chickened out, thinking I might trip and fall into the water.

At this point, double back and explore all the views the other side has to offer. Part way down the path, take a left along a concrete wall. This won’t take you far, but you will pass by a small banana plantation, and through a few more fields with beautiful white ibis feeding in the ponds.

Escaping the town of Ubud became a mission for me on this trip. Exploring the Kajeng Rice Fields was the perfect way to spend a morning, in harmony with nature and decompressing from the utter chaos that is Ubud. Don’t forget bug spray!