Previously, I wrote a post about having Botox done at this same clinic. Today I will describe my experience with VBeam Laser for rosacea at ReNewMe Skin Clinic in Busan. This clinic is where I decided to have treatment done after hearing about how amazing Korean skin care is, continually on social media.

Brief History
Like my previous Botox post stated, I haven’t been a huge proponent for skin care beyond the basics for most of my life. I apply daily sunscreen, remove my make up before bed. Once in a while I will purchase a serum and use it on and off for a few months.
In my 20’s I had one single experience with laser on my face. This was in Barcelona. I suffer with rosacea and I had a treatment to eradicate the tiny veins on my cheeks and nose. This particular laser targeted the individual capillaries, took about 45 minutes, and was extremely successful in erasing these capillaries for a year or so.
Since then, I have struggled financially, and have not had another laser or rosacea treatment.
ReNewMe Skin Clinic
After researching and getting up the guts to actually go into a clinic, this is the one I chose to have the VBeam laser procedure at. I had read good reviews on line, the clinician that assisted me, Valeria, is a lovely Mexican woman and was able to answer all my questions, making me feel comfortable and heard.

One thing I did hear about Korean clinics is they can be very factory-like. The service that you receive, unless you are paying an exorbitant amount for an exclusive clinic, is very much, in, out, thank you very much.
My first visit to ReNewMe was surprisingly ‘fluffy’ for lack of a better word, the second one, quite factory like. 😂
It seems this is the laser of choice for targeting the red veins that become quite visible with rosacea. I was happy to discover that ReNewMe used this equipment.
When I arrived, I was taken into a room, asked to remove my shoes and lay down. The doctor came in, put tiny goggles over my eyes and turned on the machine. With little fanfare, she began to zap my face.

I could have opted to have my whole face done, but in an effort to save money, chose the ‘butterfly’ area, or nose and cheeks only.

It couldn’t have lasted more than 6-8 minutes and only a bit longer because the machine stopped working half way through and had to be ‘re-calibrated’.
It did hurt, but not overly so, a quick zap followed immediately by a puff of cold air and the doctor would move onto the next area. Here are the photo’s immediately before and after treatment.

After Care
The best part of this day was being transported to the third floor; the swanky area reserved for surgery. Here I was taken under the wing of three lovely ladies, who took me into a room.

I laid down, and after securing my hair with a band, they proceeded to put a cold gel onto my face. I was then massaged with an iced cold bulb and I cannot describe how magnificent this felt on my newly treated skin. Afterwards, I was placed under a red light for approximately 10 minutes.

To finish, something was placed onto my eye sockets and a gauze laid over my face. On top of this was applied a beautifully fragrant heavy iced cold mask. This remained on for approx. 20 minutes. When this was complete, my face was wiped clean and sunscreen was applied. I left that day feeling great but wondering if what I had just paid for would have any effect at all.

One week
After one week, I can definitely see a small improvement, especially on a large vein that is on one side of my nose. This has bothered me for years. In general, I think my cheeks look a little lighter but not nearly what I was hoping for. The lighting is drastically different in both photo’s so that does effect how the results look.

Two Weeks
Now that two weeks has passed, I don’t notice much difference than after the first week. I admit, I am somewhat disappointed.
Second Procedure
The doctor had informed me that I would need three procedures to see any real and lasting improvement to my skin. She normally will do another session three weeks after the first. Because I am leaving Korea before that time, she has agreed to do another one after just 2 weeks.
Speaking with the doctor today, I told her I had hoped to noticed a little more improvement. I can still clearly see all the same veins and I thought some would have disappeared. She informed me that in Korea, they do not target individual veins, they don’t use that technology because it can cause scarring and permanent pigmentation.
This day was much the same as the last. I was first asked to wash my face then return to the room I used two weeks ago. Here the doctor applied the VBeam laser, but this time, it seemed to last around 20 minutes and was more thorough and covered more area (still cheeks and nose only but broader).

After Care
This was where the ‘factory’ feeling came into play today. When the doctor had finished, a clinician said ‘come’ and I followed her down the hall.
I was not taken to the bougie 3rd floor, but instead entered a tiny room with four other beds, three of which were already taken with men. I hoped onto the fourth bed, and had the same procedures as the first time.

The cold gel, cheek massage, mud mask and red light. This was very efficient, not gentle, and the jovial chatter from the three clinicians, loud right behind my head. At the end I was told ‘finish’ and to get off the bed.

That’s it, out the door, done.

The after care is minimal, no alcohol, no spicy food, no bathes or sauna, no hot water to the face and no strenuous exercise. In short, nothing that is going to make your face flush for about a week.
Final Thoughts
For the VBeam I paid 550,000 won or $550 CAD per session. The first session lasted about 10 minutes in total and the second about 20 minutes. I cannot remember what I paid in Spain in my 20’s but I believe it was around $150.
Would I get it again? I’m not sure. I need to let some more time pass to see if this is really effective or not. Now that three weeks have passed since the first treatment, that large vein beside my nose, is back, and just as prominent as before the $1,100 CAD I have paid.
I must say, I am pleased in general with the service I received at ReNewMe Skin Clinic in Busan. I would recommend them to other tourists and will leave them a google review to help other English speakers like myself. Valeria is an absolute asset to that company. The clinic is clean, the people are friendly and the service is efficient.
If I had more money, I would probably find somewhere that I felt I was more pampered at, but perhaps that is just not the case in Korea. The fact is, I don’t have a lot of money and this is what I could afford. ReNewMe is a very busy clinic, the waiting room is continually full of local people so they definitely have good reviews by the Koreans as well. Both times I visited, there was only one other discernible tourist in the clinic.
Would you get this type of skincare abroad?