Once again, it is time to make a move. Today I travel from Da Nang (DAD) to Chiang Mai (CNX) via Bangkok (BKK). The day will be long, for my VietJet scheduled departure times have been changed three times since I booked the flights months ago. Let get this day started, my travel day Vietnam to Thailand with VietJet.

VietJet – You Suck
Can’t say I’m overly happy with the service thus far. I know schedules change and flights get cancelled but I smell something fishy here. Let me explain.
My original booking of the 2nd leg, was on an early afternoon flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai arriving late afternoon. Perfect for me as a solo traveller who likes to arrive before dark for safety reasons.
Since the booking, this leg has been moved forward three times. The last time, about three weeks ago, has me on a flight landing at 22:00. This is making me incur a layover in Bangkok of over 8 hours!
The kicker? Supposedly the original flight has been cancelled. But no, it still shows up on the VietJet schedule. Not only that, but when I try and use my ‘free change’ (because I paid more and booked ‘Delux’), to change back to my original flight? Now the only seats available are the two most expensive categories, which would mean an additional $150 CAD for the upgrade.
So basically, I was moved from the flight I booked and choose for safety, not because the flight was cancelled but because they perhaps oversold, and moved me instead to a later flight. No bueno VietJet. That is too ‘bait and switch’ scammy.
Da Nang
Anywho….Da Nang Airport is great. A good size, super clean, lots of bright space and easy to navigate.

The food however is outrageously expensive. And everything is priced in US dollars. Price examples are $14.50 for a bowl of noodle soup, $4.50 for a croissant, $7.50 for an Banh Mi that costs $0.55 cents on the street etc.

Because I arrived two hours early and the airport was so easy and not congested, I had time to kill and I was hungry. I noticed the Orchid Lounge 2 offered a lounge pass at a price of US $27 and took advantage of it. My travel math told me I would be paying close to that by the time I bought a bottle of water, small probably not great meal and a coffee.
Orchid Lounge 2
The Lounge is legit! Super clean and bright with lots of different styles of seating. An extensive hot & cold food selection was available as well as all drinks, beer and wine. I had three small plates of food, filled my travel water bottle and had a massage.

First time in a massage chair and was it ever an experience 😂 If you have never tried these, I suggest hopping on one. Not only does it massage your back and shoulders, it goes right down under your bum! Things grab your legs, your arms and squeeze you while balls travel up and down your body! I’m sure anyone watching my facial expressions would have been howling cause it hurt a little! 🤣🤨😶😯☹️😲

Used my first ever heated toilet seat here too. 😯 Didn’t like it. The bathroom facilities are clean, and include a shower, change area, toilets with multiple functions and necessary supplies.
Whisked off in a bus, after a last-minute gate change, it was boarding time on the first VietJet flight. The planes are really worn, dirty and the staff are just going thru the motions. There is very little pleasantry and smiling. Take off and landing were just fine. Trip was uneventful, which is good.

Busy as heck, I decided to leave the airport for my now 8-hour layover (next post). After I returned, I walked around a bit and found that inside the departure terminal, before security, is a 711, Boots drug store and a Krispy Kreme! I had to have a peak at the flavours and they were so lovely and pretty.

Now in the dark, I was directed onto another bus to board this second leg of the day. It is after 20:00 now and I’m tired.

Hopping onto the next Vietjet flight, this one a mimic of the first, was uneventful. The seats in this aircraft were really worn, so much so that I could feel the metal frame of the chair digging into my bum. Ouch. Thank goodness the flight is not a long one.
Landing into Chiang Mai was a good one. Once again, no direct terminal access with budget airlines VietJet. A bus brings you to the terminal which was fairly empty. I headed to baggage claim to pick up my suitcase that had been booked right through from Da Nang. Alas, no suitcase arrived.

After asking at the counter for lost luggage, a male VietJet clerk approached me and reprimanded me for not seeing my name in tiny print on his piece of paper that he was supposedly holding up at the entrance to the terminal. Dumb farang that I am, it never occurred to me to be looking for anyone holding a small sheet of paper with my name in tiny print.
I was rudely directed down a very long corridor to a security belt. Here I placed my carry-on and purse and after it was scrutinized, I was taken to another room where my suitcase was waiting.

After all of this, and a really tired me, I used Grab from CNX to my new Airbnb. If you are looking for the Grab stop at the CNX airport, you take a left after exiting the doors. Once outside keep walking as far as you can, till you feel like you are off the property. You will eventually see a bus stop and the Grab pick up/drop off place here.

I’m in Thailand! Can’t wait to get out and explore my new surroundings.