Part uno covered the first two legs of this long and arduous day of transit. Part duo is travel day Naples to Modica via CAT and FCO plus another bus and a car ride. Oh boy, four more legs, and hopefully I’ll be in a new bed by midnight.

I arrived at Naples airport on the Alibus from Naples Central train station. The ride was short, only about 10 minutes.
Naples Airport is fairly small with a bright central check in area at the front. My flight was due to leave at 11:25 so I checked in and got rid of my suitcase.

Going through security was easy, and I had lots of time to explore the terminal and peruse the shops.
I was flying ITA once more, which is fine, as long as they didn’t lose my luggage again. 😂 Joking not joking.

The ITA flight on the Airbus A220 to Rome was less than one hour, we were not served anything, not even a small bottle of water which is fairly standard on every other airline I have been on. The views were beautiful however, I always enjoy having a window seat.

Arriving into Rome was good, nice landing and we were given a gate directly into the terminal. I was hungry by this time and I knew of the Panella in the terminal. I headed over to see what was on offer for lunch.

Purchasing a delicious focaccia sandy and a coke zero for €14 I went and found a seat to enjoy my meal and charge my phone.
This is such a bright and spacious airport, I really enjoy being here.

Again, flying with ITA, this time from Rome to Catania on an Airbus A320, the flight was a little longer than one hour duration. We were offered a beverage which was a welcome surprise.

Initially I had an isle seat but with vacant windows around me, I asked and was allowed to switch seats. So grateful as I was able to view the amazing Mt. Etna, an active volcano close to Catania!

I’ll tell you, that landing into Catania was probably the smoothest landing I have ever experienced in my life! Absolutely butter. Holding my phone with one hand, and recording out the window as I do, my hand did not even budge when those wheels touched the tarmac. Cool.
Alright, next leg was now a two-hour bus ride from Catania. These AST buses are few and far between. My flight landed at 3:55pm, a bus departed at 4:15pm. Of course, by the time I retrieved my luggage from the carousel, I had missed that one.
Next bus was at 6:45pm. I found a booth to purchase a ticket, outside at the very far end of the terminal, over near Terminal C.

If you are trying to find buses departing from Catania airport, this is the area to be. Walk out the exit doors of the airport, turn right and walk as far as you can before you bump into ‘Terminal C’. Here you will find three small ticket booths to purchase your ticket and spaces to wait for your bus.

Having now two and a half hours to kill, I went back into the terminal and found something to eat. There was a Maccas upstairs and a cheeseburger and small fries was calling my name. And I was able to charge my phone, not having found a single other outlet any where in the Airport.

Bus to Modica
Fifth leg of the day, was the two-hour AST bus ride to Modica. This was a long journey, I’m not gonna lie. The sun set early in the trip, so much of the ride was in the dark. Having no idea where I was, I simply followed along on google maps to know when to get off the bus.

And the last leg of this travel day? Hopping off the bus, and my ride was waiting for me, bless her heart. Leg six, the car ride up the hillside to my new abode. I’m finally here, safe and sound, exhausted and relieved. Modica will be my home for the next little while.