We all know how much I love markets. There are no shortage of them in Mexico. If I wanted, I would be able to visit a different one every day of the week! The Three Hens & A Rooster market at the Rio Cuale in Puerto Vallarta takes place on Saturdays through high season.

Three Hens & A Rooster Market at the Rio Cuale


If you can get yourself situated on the Malecon, this is an easy market to find. At the point where the Rio Cuale empties into the ocean, is a large staircase going down from the Malecon, onto the Rio Cuale island in the middle of the river. Simply follow this staircase and the path from it and you will end up at park.

There are a multitude of other ways to approach the market, but this method is simple and it is easy for any visitor to find once they are on the Malecon.

When you have walked under the two overhead traffic bridges and past the flea market, you will come to a recently upgraded and beautiful little park. The Three Hens & A Rooster market takes place under the shade of the trees in this park.

Goods for Sale

This is a small market, in comparison to every other market I have been to in the city. However its quaintness and location is what makes it so charming.

There seem to be a couple of booths selling most things. On this past Saturday (which I think may have been the last market of the season), there was clothing, jewellery, souvenirs and even electronics.


The food vendors are equally represented here as well. There are a few bakers, a lady selling Jewish comfort food, a sausage seller, a produce stand and a vendor selling freshly cooked breakfast & coffee to order!

This lovely little market is enhanced by the fact that it is in a park, close to town, and also near to the Lazaro Cardenas Market that also takes place on Saturdays. Both markets can definitely be done on the same morning, they are that close together.

Personally, I attend the LC market first, as there is no shade and it can get very crowded later in the morning. Afterwards, I walk over to 3 Hens and have a lovely aqua fresca while sitting in the shade of the park and playing with the resident cat population. It makes for a Saturday morning well spent in my books. 🙂

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