I don’t usually write posts like this, but after spending a few weeks exploring this area and these towns, I just can’t get this off my mind. Try as I might I am struggling to find beauty here in the towns. Phuket has an undercurrent of sleaze, and although its arguably at its worst in Patong, I see it here too. The ugliness of Karon & Kata in Phuket, a post of honesty.

Personal Perspective
Let me premise this post my stating that what I am looking for and at, when I arrive at a new destination, is predominately, is this a place I want to return to for a longer period of time? Would I want to live here for three months for example. Do I feel safe and good here? Are there relaxed and healthy vibes. If you are a visitor coming to these beach towns, to stay inside a resort, you will most likely never see any of this and only experience the beauty of the beaches.
For me, I spend a lot of time, walking and exploring the towns themselves, and area around my destination. I have an insatiable curiosity to find hidden gems. Some destinations are a complete surprise and knock my socks off, others not so much.
I have personally found Thailand in general, to be much more expensive than what I was expecting. What I find really disheartening, is being sold items at the ‘tourist’ price instead of the actual price. Of course I understand why the vendors do this. And I don’t begrudge them making a buck. But for me personally, living on a strict budget, it makes the destination unsustainable and leaves a sour taste.
I have travelled the world and have encountered this just about everywhere. But here, especially in Karon & Kata, it is constant and unrelenting, and after a while, it feels ugly.
Depending on who you speak with, Phuket, the island, can have either a raving good reputation, or it stinks. I have purposely avoided all of the areas that I know for certain, I would not enjoy. As quite a large island, there is a vast array of destinations here, some better than others. When I chose Karon, Kata and Kamala, I thought I was picking the lesser of the evils, which I still believe is true.

Karon & Kata
The main draw to these towns is hands down the beaches. This is where they shine. Soft light tan sand, clear green warm waters, what’s not to love? Yes, they are packed and full of tourists, but if you are looking to spend time hopping from your resort to the beach and back, you will have picked a good spot.

For those looking to explore the towns though, or live for a short while, I will tell you they are not that great. Let me explain.
Seaside Towns
Most seaside towns I have visited across the world, are beautiful. Whether they are quaint little fishing villages or full of local flair and colour, they are a vibe and communicate and connect with their beach, if that makes sense.
Here, the towns are unattractive and seem completely disconnected from the beauty of nature and the beach. Buildings are made of concrete block construction, many times remaining unpainted or unfinished. There does not seem to be much beautification done by the municipalities besides perhaps a round-a-bout statue or two.

I find very little innate charm here, merely a town catering to hoards of tourists with prices to match.
Walking the streets is a repeat of the same set of businesses, being pharmacies, massage parlours, convenience marts, weed dispensaries and restaurants. As one walks into the less touristy area’s, these are replaced with mechanics, laundry places, banks and other necessary places of business.

Streets may not have a sidewalk or even a shoulder to walk on, except for near the main drag down at the beach. Walking along is a dodge over puddles of garbage juice, festering in the muggy heat.

Locals are typically living above businesses, down into little alleys off the streets or up on the hillsides away from the beach. There are no little patches of garden or green space at the sides of the streets, no pretty store fronts. One will pass by parked motorcycles, laundry hanging out to dry at the roadside, piles of debris and refuse. (It is picked up each and every day however).
It is visible and full on. There is no secret that Thailand is home to this industry and I can tell you, it is rampant here. I was just not aware of how visible and blatant it is. My little street in Kata, has a whole block that is lined with prostitutes from morning til night. This is not a ‘bad’ area or small side street. This is a main thoroughfare, lined with shops, a luxury hotel and restaurants.
I can watch from my flat, as Caucasian men, continually get harassed as they pass by, or choose to stop in for services. What is incredibly sad to see, is when a man has shown an interest, and the lady brings out a young girl. Oh gosh, that just breaks my heart into pieces.
The ladies are just providing a service, that the men are willing to pay for. Its an ugly side of life that is usually not so flagrantly and publicly portrayed.
I’m going to end this post here. I’m sorry if this has offended anyone, but my blog is about authenticity and honesty and this has been my personal experience in Karon and Kata. Even though I have really enjoyed my beach walks, the underbelly of ugly here in the towns is unpleasant. I would not return to Phuket in the future but cannot wait to explore other parts of Thailand.