One thing I always love in my travels is making friends with furry creatures along the way. I had absolutely no idea that I would encounter such a forest full of felines here in the city. The most delightful cats in Sarajevo are an absolute joy to spend time with.

Without a doubt the place I have seen the most cats to date has been my time spent last fall in Türkiye. While I did not have the best time in the country, I did enjoy the cats tremendously. Equally so, was watching how the locals cared and loved on those same cats. Well, I can tell you without a doubt, there are just as many, if not more, here in Sarajevo.
Most of these cats are strays, not many have collars and even fewer seem to ‘belong’ to any given household. As such, I have to assume that these are not fixed. Their ears are not clipped as they are in Türkiye, signifying that they have been neutered or spayed.

I saw so many pregnant momma’s, many of which were the friendliest, I think because they were hungry and looking for extra food.

Of the ones that had little kittens, they were then the most skittish, protecting their brood fiercely. Many simply ran with their little family as soon as I approached. But one or two held their ground. This momma was enjoying the early morning sunshine and I approached from behind. She didn’t hear me right away which is how I was able to capture this magical photograph.

Oh my gosh, I have never, ever seen so many kittens in all my life. They are everywhere! Literally, there are kittens all over. Of course, when they get to a certain age, they become quite adventurous and this is when I would normally get to interact with them. Before this, they are too small, and momma is keeping a watchful eye.

Have a look at these cutie pies and tell me you wouldn’t be squealing in a high-pitched voice as I was, swooning at their adorable faces and cute little tails.

In general, there is every colour imaginable except for white! I did not see one single all white cat. Lots of black ones, and calico, so many of those. The locals are putting food and water out for any felines that are living near their doors. Everywhere I walked, I could see little bowls of water and various containers filled with food. The cats never looked like they were hungry.

I do however have to mention that a fair number looked sickly. This was most evident on their little faces. Eye infections and patches of missing fur, almost scabies looking. I don’t believe any of these strays are receiving any treatment, for I did not see or hear about any volunteer programs during my visit.

Along with cats, I also had the pleasure to see horses, goats and sheep! These I all saw in the country side on my walks through the small farm areas and up into the mountains. I desperately wanted to see a hedgehog which are native to the area, but only, sadly, saw one unfortunate road pancake.

There were a lot of dogs too, but these were different here. Not very many people at all, walking the dogs. I got the feeling they are not treated like pets as we are used to. Most of the dogs I saw were chained up in yards for protection. As I would pass, they would bark fiercely and lunge towards the fence. They were terrifying, and one of the scariest parts about my time in Sarajevo.

On three occasions I saw packs of stray dogs, always large ones, like German Shepard’s. They were rummaging through the large trash bins on the sidewalks. I always kept my distance and avoided them, as I was normally on these roads by myself with no one else in view.
It has been such a pleasure to be back in a part of the world with so many furry friends to meet. Having spent the last six months in Asia, Japan and Korea were particularly void of any type of animal in public. The cats here have been an absolute joy for me, and I have felt so lucky to be able to spend time with them, showing them love and receiving it in return.