Yesterday I wrote a post about the souvenirs available at the Tainguis at La Penita. Today I am writing a follow up post about the local products available at the market at La Penita – Part Dos. There will be a third part to this series, and it will cover the incredible variety of food available!

Local Wares

The souvenirs are located predominantly in the square in front of the church. The streets branching out in every direction from the square are where the local everyday wares are located. Both sides of the streets are lined with vendors selling their goods.

The Market at La Penita - Part Dos

These vendors make up the largest part of the market and are so numerous and varied. I am told that locals come from all around the area to buy and sell here. Almost everything you can think of, is available for purchase.

Clothing & Shoes

There were booths selling clothing, both used and new. Tables upon tables of shoes, undergarments and work gear were available. Leather vendors could make you a belt right then and there.

Kitchen & Household

Just about anything you need for your kitchen or household is available. Dishes, water coolers, brooms, tablecloths, Tupperware, cooking pots, etc. This market really is a one stop shop for many.

Local pottery & dishware
Everything household
Birdcages to water coolers

There were a multitude of booths selling toys, trinkets, make-up, perfume, grooming items, towels, linens, bed sheets and bedspreads.


Larger items could also be found. A stall was selling a more classic style of furniture, large pieces too like glass front curio cabinets and armoirs. Another lovely gentleman had a large space in which he had all of his beautiful hand made wooden furniture for sale. Even a cot style bed covered with a thick stretched muslin.

Needing tools? There were plenty here, as well as a table of various light bulbs and another of oven, stove and blender pieces.

The most amazing stall to me was the appliances man! Not little appliances like coffee makers but washing machines and dryers! I have never seen these for sale at a street market before.

The Importance of Markets

Markets worldwide offer a glimpse into the actual life of a village, town or city. It is where local citizens come to purchase local wares. For a tourist like myself, markets offer me a unique look at the local environment. What goods the people are using, how they are made, what materials they are made from. What products are important to the people.

Most of these items are items of necessity. They are not the frivolous things that I would be shopping for back home at the local mall. It is so very interesting to me to understand each culture from the inside, from the deeper side. It helps me connect with the people on their level instead of mine.

When I say you can quite literally find anything you need here at this tianguis, I am not exaggerating. It was an extraordinary experience and one that I cannot wait to go back to next week.

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