Being based in Nessebar, Bulgaria for a few weeks has given me the ability to explore the surrounding areas. One such, is the little resort town of Ravda which is located up the coast. It takes me 45 minutes to walk there, beach-combing on the way up and discovering the town on the way back.

Ravda Central Beach
Not the best beach in the area, in fact, probably one of the worst. Don’t get me wrong, the sand is lovely and the water is clear, it just has so much great competition from Nessebar. Ravda Central beach is quite narrow, rocky in places and at one end right near the pier, has a seaweed problem.
There is no beach past the long fishing pier, that area is all rocks. The Nessebar side is where sunbathers fill the shores to play in the surf.

And there is in fact a surfing school here too! With a super cute bar/café and seating area. They offer standard surfing, wind surfing and paddle boarding.

If you walk past the surfing school, you will be at Olympic Hopes Beach. Here is sand bar is quite wide with lots more space and many more bars and restaurants.

Ravda Town
I’m afraid, I was unimpressed with this area. Picture a miniature Sunny Beach. Full of tacky tourist shops, restaurants, junky amusement games up and down the streets and old carnival type rides, randomly located in any empty lot.
Most of the condo’s are the standard 4-6 stories high. Many look older, perhaps 40 or 50 years of age. The hotels look much the same.

I did see some newer and more contemporary buildings, especially facing the beach. These look beautiful and I imagine the view is stunning.

I will say this though, this town is full of beautiful private gardens! Without being too weird, I could peek through the fences and enjoy the flowers and plants. I found the largest hibiscus flowers I have ever seen in my life! Absolutely amazing.

I also saw cute little vegetable patches, most full of tomatoes and peppers. I would be remiss not to mention the pomegranate trees as well!

I think if you are visiting the area, Ravda might be a place for cheaper accommodations, and nice for families. Walking through these quieter streets in the evening with little kids would be fun. They would enjoy seeing the sounds and sights of the carnival rides and games. The beach has active life guard stations and the water is shallow. Ravda feels quaint, old fashioned and might just be perfect for a relaxed family holiday.