I decided on a long walk this morning and one venturing quite a ways out of town. About 45 minutes outside the Alta neighbourhood is the incredible cemetery in Modica. Having no idea what to expect, I was completely overwhelmed by the beauty I found.

The Incredible Cemetery in Modica
A family mausoleum inside the cemetery in Modica

Cimitero Comunale

There is only one cemetery for the city, and it is enormous. Far larger than I was expecting. After a long walk along the highway with virtually no shoulder and over a really high bridge, I found what I was looking for. The front gate is large but quite plain compared to what you see once you enter.

The grounds are geometrically laid out. Once inside the main gate, I could walk straight for as far as the eye could see, or turn right or left.

Looking left once through the main gate to the cemetery in Modica

I choose left and luckily this seemed to take me to the oldest section, which is always what I prefer to see.

Family Mausoleums

What I discovered, were huge single-family mausoleums! One after the other in every direction. And they are incredible! The architecture is stunning.

Looking like small churches, many of the really old ones are ornately decorated, just like the older Baroque churches and buildings in Modica. I couldnโ€™t believe how gorgeous these buildings are, and quite different from one another.

As you move through them, you get a sense of time changing, as the styles and architecture evolve through the ages.

Some are distinctly Baroque, a prominent architectural style is Modica.

How stunning!
Each for a single family
Incredible decoration
So beautiful

Others looking like miniature castles.

And still others that appear very church-like.

But all of them, are single family mausoleums, that hold numerous family members for well over a century.

Large Plots

The mausoleums form squares, and in the middle of these squares, are large plots of simple burials, many with only one single unadorned cross.

Other plots had recent burials, which I did not look at.

The Centre

At the what appears to be the centre of the complex, is a large raised platform, with various planters full of cacti and flowers.

This space is encircled with newer single-family mausoleums, perhaps no more than 50-75 years old.

Community Mausoleum

Towards the rear of the cemetery is a massive community mausoleum. This is now three stories high, connected with sets of open concept concrete stairs that do not look safe.

Large community mausoleum at the rear of the cemetery in Modica

Each bank of the mausoleum has an iron ladder that can be moved along, similar to library ladders. One can climb the ladder to put flowers in the vase and light the lantern of their loved one. Again, I cannot imagine this is safe, but there it is. And these banks are 8 sarcophagi high!

On either side of this large complex at the back, are two smaller and older looking community mausoleums. One side looked particularly beautiful with warm yellow stone in the morning sunlight.

As I walked around the cemetery, I was in a complete state of peace and awe. The grounds are beautifully kept, with no litter, and clean of plant matter. There are no benches for one to sit and reflect.

For each individual was a lantern and a vase
Here you can see the backs of the family mausoleums
Beautiful old photographs
A huge door
Lovely old bronze lantern

As the morning progressed, more and more locals came to pay their respects. It was quite beautiful to witness, the dedication that these people have for the departed. I was touched being in this special place, and grateful for a community that holds each other so dearly.

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