One thing visitors to Malaga won’t want to miss is the fun and fascinating Atarazanas food market. Located in the historical centre of the city, this is a lively and vivacious place to explore. All of your senses will be awoken here in the best of ways.

Brief History
The original purpose of this building was as a shipyard, built during the Nasrid era in the 12 & 13th centuries. Over the years, it has gone through various levels of remodel and was even used as a barracks and military hospital.

The current rendition of metal and glass is from the 19th century and is a beautiful example of architecture from this period. Most notable is the enormous coloured glass wall at one side and the paned ceiling.
The market is open 6 days per week excluding Sundays, from 8-2pm. There are three distinct departments which are produce, meats and fish. The seafood area is the only portion not open on Mondays as the fishermen have not gone out on Sunday, so have no fresh goods to sell.

Wander down the rows in each section and admire all that is on offer here.
The artfully arranged fresh fruits and vegetables are enticing. Not only the colour but the varieties available too. I found the vendors very friendly, but like in Italy, it is customary to let the seller select and bag your items. No touching please.

If you are feeling a little peckish and want to have a taste, there is at least one stall that sells pre-cut fruits of all types and fresh squeezed juices too.
A fascinating area for me are the meat counters. Here the deep reds of beef and lamb and even the pork were beautiful to see. Compared to some markets I have been exposed to recently, this one was down right spotless and I would not hesitate to purchase any products from these vendors.

A large selection of cheese is available here too including creamy local Spanish goat cheese. This is delightful when smothered over a piece of fresh crunchy bread.

Where I think this market shines are the seafood and fish counters. These were by far the largest section of the market on the days I visited. What a bounty of fresh prawns of all sorts, sizes and shapes. The deep crimson red ones were my favourite to see.

Have a look at these big beautiful pieces of fish, fresh as can be, arriving from the port and potentially landing straight onto your table.

Molluscs are extremely popular here and there is no shortage of types either. Beautiful clams, muscles and scallops all looking fresh and bright.

One thing I can say, there is absolutely no unpalatable smells here. Not even a fishy smell. This market is an absolute delight to wander though and peruse all that is for sale. You might have worked up an appetite while here. If so, around three sides of the exterior of Atarazanas, are tapas bars selling this very same fresh seafood. Have a seat, enjoy a chilled glass of wine and the salty flavours of the sea as you while away an afternoon in beautiful Malaga.