This trip has turned into one full of the most lovely outdoor nature adventures! Today I visited the free rose garden in Rome. I recently discovered this even existed, and low and behold it only just opened for the season. How lucky am I?

The Free Rose Garden in Rome

Getting There

The address is Via di Valle Murcia 6, and if you are able to locate the Circo Massimo, then you can find the garden no problem. The roses are about half way down that huge stretch of field. There is a large statue out front.

Duck in behind and follow a wide paved path. It will lead right to the entrance. And its entirely free!

The Gardens

The site is larger than I was expecting and has been dedicated to gardens since the third century BC. Prior to this area becoming the municipal rose garden it was a park. In 1645 it became the Jewish Vegetable Garden. And before that it had been gardens and vineyards for centuries.

When it is fully open, there are actually two areaโ€™s. The second side is across the main path and houses competition flowers and Romeโ€™s premium roses. I had a peek though the fence at this area and there was very little in bloom, hence it not being open to the public yet.

In the background is Circo Massimo and further afield is the archaeological remains of the Colosseum grounds which all make for a stunning backdrop to the garden.

The Roses

The gardens have literally just opened days ago. There are enough roses in bloom to accomplish this without disappointment. However, if you are here in May, I think you would be in for a stellar treat. There will be so many more blossoms and the smell will be divine.

There are over 1,100 different varieties or roses to be seen and devoured by your eyes. They range from the really early ones of the 16th century to one I found as recent as 2020.

My gosh, even though there was not a whole lot blooming right now, I was still in absolute nature and garden heaven just like I was the other day at the Botanical Gardens. You bet I bent down to smell almost every variety I passed.

Indica Major 1924
Pierre Cardin 2007
Raymond Kopa 1996
Papillon 2012
Alfie Boe Obe 2020

There was rain last night, so some blossoms had delicate drops of water still teetering on the petals.

Every quintessential colour you can imagine was on display. From snow white to ivory, yellow to peach.

There was every shade of pink, the brightest cherry red to a deep crimson.

I would highly recommend visiting this glorious treasure right in the heart of Rome. I went on an overcast day, early in the season. I can only imagine what a sunny day next month will be like!


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