Located in Kato Paphos, meaning the area where the ancient capital city was, is a hillside. The Romans built an amphitheatre here in the 2nd century AD. What I found fascinating was the Fabrika Hill cave catacombs in Paphos located deep within the bowels of this mound, under the theatre.

The Fabrika Hill Cave Catacombs in Paphos
Main entrance to Fabrika Hill Cave Complex

Fabrika Hill

Today this hill is located close to Kings Avenue Mall. There is a corroded walkway that will take visitors up and over the top of the landscape and give you a birdโ€™s eye view of the site.

Visible from several streets is the ancient Roman theatre on one side of Fabrika Hill. Not in the best of shape to be honest. Thankfully it is fenced, to keep people from climbing on and over it, as the condition would quickly deteriorate from its current state.

The Catacombs

Walk down Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue, away from the mall, and look towards your left. Quite soon you will see a wide metal ramp leading into a huge cave! Head on in and wander around to your hearts content. Nothing in here is roped off.

Initially these were catacombs built during the Hellenistic period before the Romans ruled the area. A cemetery if you will, from the 3rd century BC and earlier. As you wander, imagine the souls laid to rest within the small cavities that you see, carved into the limestone. The place takes on a whole new vibe.

The Caves

The large complex is actually man-made caves. Expanded on the catacombs of the earlier people, these recesses became cave homes to the Christians that were fleeing the Romans from persecution.

The size of this particular cave complex, is as large as it is, because it once contained hundreds if not thousands of people that had fled for their life. Walk around, go through every door, look under each low shelf. Imagine families tucked into these dark recesses, fires aglow, huddled around each other.

These caves are seemingly endless. I could not find my way around the deeper I went. Being on my own I was a little fearful I will admit. I read it is safe to explore during the day, but with so many dark nooks and crannies I was definitely getting the willies. And I was the only person in there. I heard no one else, I saw no one else.

Would you explore these caves? I think you definitely should, they are a marvel, they are spooky and creepy and one of the coolest things I have done in the area.

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