I have come to the end of my time spent in these three towns of Los Ayala, Rincon de Guayabitos and La Penita de Jaltemba. It’s fitting I post about the cutest & most lovable animals around town that I have seen in my two weeks here. For seeing these animals, meeting them and having a chat always leaves me with a smile on my face and warmth in my heart.

The Cutest & Most Lovable Animals Around Town


Oh so many dogs! And not a single one that I would classify as a stray. They are roaming the streets which is common in Mexico, but they know where there home is and they don’t wander too far. In fact, most are actually guard dogs to a certain degree. It is their job to make sure the homestead stays safe of strangers.

These dogs are friendly guard dogs though, not the type to bark aggressively. There are those types, don’t get me wrong, but those are always inside a gated area and are barking at you through the holes in the railing or fence. Look how cute these guys are!! How could I not try and make friends with every singe one! ๐Ÿ™‚

Little toes
Fisherman’s doggo
Sweet Puppy
Fisherman’s doggo
So friendly


Oh cats, how I love thee. Every singe one I see I have to, at a bare minimum, say hi to. Again, I found most cats in these towns to be skittish and shy. It was very uncommon for a cat to approach me even after bending down and talking to it. All in all, there weren’t very many cats to be seen in any of the three towns.

Hi there!
Could not see what he was seeing!
Hide and Seek
Beautiful grey
Hot in black

Other Friends

La Penita being predominately a working town had quite a few horses, but most were behind enclosures. The few I saw were all dark brown, very sweet and quite small. The donkey was really gentle and cute. Birds were elusive as always. These large vultures in the trees of the park were lovely to watch sunning themselves early in the morning.

Working donkey
Hen & Chicks
Rooster struttin his stuff
Vulture’s warming up in the morning sun.

I love interacting with animals when I travel. They are so lovely and it is often a good way to meet the locals. Many times when I am talking to a pet on the sidewalk an owner will peek out from their home and we share a few words and smiles. I always receive such friendly and positive reactions when I can tell a person how cute I think their pets are. It is a universal thing we share as humans, a love for our animals. ๐Ÿ™‚

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