I started writing about this covered market but the post way getting way to long, so I decided to split it into two. Here is the second part that will cover everything else available, other than fresh food written about in the previous post. The best Pinarbasi Pazar Part Two.

The Best Pinarbasi Pazar Part Two
Dried goods at the Pinarbasi Pazar

Dried Goods

There was a multitude of other food products besides the fresh produce and seafood. One of the most artfully displayed was the dried goods. These were any combination of spices, nuts, legumes, fruits etc.

Quite a few vendors were selling these products so I have a hunch that regular shoppers will have their favourite seller. Along with these were all types of candies, Turkish delight type jellies and things I know not what. 🤣

No clue
Candies & ???

Eggs & Dairy

I counted three cases of cheese in a row, and boy were they busy! All three vendors had their spaces lined with people waiting to purchase the amazing looking cheeses. I had absolutely no idea what I was seeing but there was cheese in bags in front of the cases and enormous blocks of cheese inside the cases.

I think the Turkish people love their dairy products, for even in the grocery stores, the cheese and dairy sections are huge!

I don’t know what it is about eggs, but they are just so beautiful! Any number of people were selling eggs on Sunday, some of them exclusively so. I stood and tried to differentiate between the eggs that were sectioned and priced differently, but could not discern any stand out differences between the eggs on offer.

Olives & Bread

Separate from the fresh olives that are being harvested from the trees right now, there were many stalls with preserved olives. Have you ever seen pink and purple olives in your life? I was amazed at the variety and again, would have benefited from having a friend with me who spoke Turkish and was able to ask what the differences were.

There was only one table with bread, all sorts of huge loaves and flatbreads. I purchased a super yummy and chewy flat bread that I thoroughly enjoyed at home with humus and smashed avocados!

Clothing & Shoes

Only two stalls looked like they were selling used clothing. The remainder had new clothes for sale, many with knock off brand names. There were more undergarments than anything. Look as I might for sports socks, I could not find any. Oh well, the hunt continues.

Household products

Several vendors had tables covered in numerous smaller boxes, filled with anything and everything you may need in your house. From tiny tea strainers and hair clips, to butcher knives and toilet valves, everything was for sale.

One stall even sold vacuum parts exclusively! How he makes a living selling such a limited product I don’t know but he must have a great reputation to be able to exist doing so.

A single lone gentleman had a blanket on the ground covered in hand made wooden spoons. He was sitting and carving these lovely utensils and I wish I could have purchased some to support him and his craft.

I cannot wait to go to the market again this coming Sunday. I’ll have a better idea now of what is available and try some new to me foods. If you ever find yourself in this neck of the woods, I would highly recommend the Panarbasi Pazar in Konyaalti.

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