I love food. That is a simple statement but let me explain. I love everything about food. From watching things germinate from seed, to seeing how an animal is butchered. It is all fascinating to me.  And the best part of the La Penita Market? Food!

The Best Part of the La Penita Market? Food!

While travelling, food becomes infinitely more interesting. For what a society eats and the rituals surrounding food consumption explains much about how they live and what their priorities are.

La Penita Tainguis Food

I’ve been to many a market in Mexico. There are always delicious things to eat. Food being cooked in little carts or under a tarp on a burner. This market was different though. The food being sold was mostly the raw ingredients, not ready make consumable food.

Nuts & Seeds

Oh I could snack on these like a squirrel, all day long! There were numerous vendors selling nuts, seeds, trail mixes, candied nuts and candy, all in bulk. Just let the fella know how much you wanted and he would weight it out, put in into a little paper or plastic bag and off you went. The candied nuts were particularly scrumptious, being made right then and there in large copper pots over a propane stove. Soooo delicious.

Spicy Mango
Trail Mixes
Candy & Nut
Candied Nuts

Vegetables & Fruit

Of course there were multiple stalls with all sorts of fresh produce. Everything was ripe, picked at its peak perfection. There were items that I have no idea what they are and others that it was such a treat to see ripe and ready to eat.

Huge papayas, jack fruit, pineapples, blueberries, strawberries, cherries and mango’s. Quite a few apples which surprised me. They were small, about the size of our lemons back home. Limes and the biggest roma tomatoes I have ever seen.


Oh the dairy here in Mexico. There can be quite a discussion online surrounding the Mexican butter. Most people either love it or hate it, rarely is there an inbetweener. I adore it. I happily slather it on everything I can. But then there are the cheeses! Most I have encountered are soft, mild and really light in colour even stark white with very delicate flavours. A current favorite is queso Oaxaca. Yummers I can’t stop eating it. My best description for those back home would be a mix between a cheese string and a cheese curd. We can’t forget the yogurt. Fresh farm yogurt, sooooo tangy and delicious.


Most of the meat products I saw at the market were in the process of being cooked. But cooked to take home and use, not cooked to eat there. There were big chicharrónes, fresh raw chickens and loads of farm fresh eggs.

Baked Goods

I am a sucker for baked goods. I will eat them any time, any where. This market did not disappoint. There were numerous stalls selling fresh loaves of various types of breads. I always have an eye out for the pies and treats and was happy to see more than a few vendors. One particular table caught my eye. Everything on the table was on trays that were covered in a fine white netting. The two ladies behind the tables were busy swishing long tassels back and forth to keep any fly from landing on the goodies.

My eyes were bigger than my belly once again dad. I purchased four, yes four baked goods. One I took to the beach immediately and ate there. It was a soft sweet donut type yeasty dough, cut in half and filled with home made warm custard. OMG. Yes its four days later now and my mouth still waters at the thought of that treat.

I also purchased a custard and strawberry tart, a croissant and a tiny banana loaf. I have no kitchen in my current abode here so I was limited in what food items I could bring back.

All items were consumed without guilt and in utmost pleasure. 😊

Food, food, food! I could talk about food forever. Alas, I must finish this post and move on to other fun topics.

Buen Provecho!

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