I looooovee markets and all that they entail. This is where I can get a real feeling for a destination, watching the people, seeing what they are eating and what is in season. While I didn’t see many large markets around, I did find two. The best markets in Sarajevo both local and tourist are fascinating & fun.

Pijaca Markale

This historic market is the one tourists will encounter the easiest and most frequently. Located in the Austro-Hungarian district, it is just steps from Old Town. It was the target not once but twice during the Siege of Sarajevo. Visitors will see a large Sarajevo Rose on the ground, still with the original shell casing at the centre of the scar.


Pijaca Markale is a covered but open-air market flanked on two sides by supermarkets. Find all the fresh and local fruits and vegetables as well as nuts and other dried goods.

Markets in Sarajevo
Pijaca Markale
Markets in Sarajevo

Being summer, I was able to feast upon cherries, blueberries, two varieties of peaches, nectarines, tomatoes, red currents, and so many raspberries. I couldn’t resist them; they were that good.


The stands towards the street are beautifully displayed and I think attract the most tourists. Towards the back one sees a slightly more local flair, and this is where I shopped. I found a vendor that was looking rather forlorn, didn’t have the pretties displays and thought I would give him my business.

Each time I return to the market, I am met with a beautiful warm greeting and the biggest smile. I love it and am happy to shop from him regularly.

Other Goods

At Pijaca Markale shoppers will also find contraband cigarette and tobacco sellers, a little clothing and shoes and some housewares too. Especially the smaller items like kitchenware and such.

Pijaca Ciglane

For a completely local experience, walk about 45 minutes from Old Town and you will find yourself in the neighbourhood called Ciglane. I came here to explore this district for its Brutalist Architecture, buildings created during 1966 and 1984 when the country was under a socialist regime.

I literally bumped into this large market trying to find the entrance to a cemetery that I had seen from across the street. Located in a maze of alleys is this covered market that is absolutely full of all sorts of items.

Lots of clothing and shoes, linens, tools, and household goods. There is a central area with open produce stands filled with fresh fruits and veg.

Most interesting was to see all of the fresh and dried meat vendors. I had tried some of this almost black cured meat at a restaurant, and although personally not a fan, it was so interesting to see it on display. Obviously very popular just from the quantity available, it is an authentic and local item.

Whether you are in Sarajevo for only a day or two and want to visit an historical market, or have a bit of extra time to spare, you will be delighted at either one of these. I am endlessly fascinated by what I find while travelling. Foods I never knew existed I see everywhere I go. The learning curve is steep and welcomingly so.

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