A market lover, I will always seek them out in every destination I travel to. They never get old and I learn so much from the new products I am exposed to. Wow, did I ever find a gem here in the city. And its huge. The best market in Tirana is Tregu Dinamo.

The Best Market in Tirana is Tregu Dinamo
Tregu Dinamo

Getting There

I’m going to put a link here. This will get you to the area. The Tregu Dinamo market is extensive, I don’t even know if it has a proper or singular entrance. Walk around, go down all the little streets and alleys. Visitors will find themselves in various food markets, clothing, shoes, household markets, antique stalls, well just about everything you could want to buy will be found here.

It appears that the entire neighbourhood is a series of different warehouse type buildings and covered streets and lanes. Each one sells a specific genre. If you are looking for used clothing for example, simply walk around and you will soon bump into the large area dedicated to that, and so on.


From what I can gather from the internet and google, Tregu Dinamo is the name of the section of this neighbourhood and bazaar area where the produce is sold. This includes, fruits, vegetables, dried goods and herbs.

The vendors here are not shy. They had me tasting all sorts of things that I was a little hesitant to if I’m honest. Not only is the produce a little dirty and dusty, but I have a sensitive stomach. Desperately not wanting to offend, I did nibble on lots of leafy greens, a long radish sort of thing, a small brown fruit and more.


The abundance of local produce is glorious to see. Most of these items I recognized, unlike some places I travel to. These stalls are not manicured to be pretty and attractive, for this is not a tourist market. No, some of these products, vegetables especially, looked like they are simply dumped out of their boxes. Nothing wrong with that.

Tregu Dinamo
Tirana Market

A very interesting vendor was this old gent who has a large stall of herbs, mostly dried. They are so pretty, all bundled with thin pieces of twine. I loved his little hand made signs too.

And look at the eggs, olives and pickled vegetables. The eggs are very interesting. They are sold according to size, not just S, M & L, but numbered to perhaps 10 or 12 sizes!


An absolutely massive area encompassing at least two long sections or lanes, is clothing. Heaps and heaps of used clothing being unloaded from large bags and boxes. Dumped on tables and being rooted through by eager shoppers.

There are no signs as to the price, but men are yelling loudly, in Albanian of course, enticing shoppers into their stalls. I imagine for the locals who could bargain readily, these prices are competitive, for there were so many shoppers here. This was early in the morning too, perhaps 9am. I cannot imagine how busy it is by mid day.


Many stalls selling shoes, both used and new, luggage, handbags and knock offs galore. A vendor at one end has a massive room filled with jewellery. There has to be thousands and thousands of necklaces hanging on the walls, tables piled high with bracelets and antiques. Really overwhelming.

Household Goods

Walk a little further and you come to an area of unpaved roadways. Here find almost a warehouse type atmosphere with individual garage doors. When each is pulled up, the space is filled with household goods. Loads of bedding and linens, carpets, rugs, plastics and kitchenware.

I cannot tell you how fun it is to explore this massive market area. I walked around for close to three hours and was completely in awe of all that I was seeing there. A common thought that ran through my head was, you can buy anything here, literally anything.

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