Rome can be a very busy city indeed. Being here in April, I thought I might escape the big crowds, but alas, I am sardined in with other visitors by late morning every day. A perfect escape from the crowds is within the beauty of Rome’s Botanical Gardens.

The Beauty of Rome's Botanical Gardens

The Site

The current gardens have been at this site since the 1880’s and cover an area of 12 hectares. There is over 3,000 different types of plants to discover. Being able to explore this space in the spring season was perfect timing. Many flowers are in bloom, the trees are new with leaf and the air is fresh and bright.


There are four beautiful old greenhouses on the site which are filled with various tropical plants not native to Italy, cacti and succulents.

Near the green houses are beds of amazing flowers, some I had not seen before and I was so lucky that they were in bloom. The colour down in this flat area is absolutely gorgeous.

The Trails

Walking through the hillside, up and down the trails, one will pass and palms, the Japanese Garden, the Rose Garden, the pines, bamboo forest and various other peaceful areas of exploration. Paths are wide and well marked on a map provided at the entrance.

I had read reviews that the gardens were in bad shape, that they were not tended to. I found them utterly charming and perfect in every way.

They are not manicured down to the umph degree like many large stately gardens. They have almost a wild essence, which is truly what makes them magical.

The amount of bird song, butterflies and wild life is evidence that this is a supremely healthy and vibrant garden. Sure there are small things that could be repaired or cleaned up. But my experience was one of absolutely pleasure and happiness.

This garden is green beyond imagine. All plants, trees and lawn look healthy. The fountains are full of algae and mosses. Everywhere you look is life, all living in a pure harmony.

At only 5 Euros a visit I think the Botanical Gardens is money well spent. Benches are plentiful if you need to have a seat. There are several washrooms and a building that houses two vending machines, one with coffee and the other with snacks. It really is a unique and hidden treasure in Rome.

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