Readers will know of my obsession with doors by now. On my daily walks about town, I also photograph other aspects of homes. Today’s post will showcase the beautiful windows, doors & stairs in PV. Now granted, Puerto Vallarta is a huge city. I have barely scratched the surface of exploring this city on foot. Therefore, the photographs shown are only a small representation of what I have discovered thus far.

Oh the stairs! All stairs here that I have seen are made of concrete. Where the beauty comes into play is in the decorative touches. These usually take the form of brightly coloured paint and tiling.

What a perfect way to showcase a business or front entrance of a home, than to decorate the space leading up to the door. With the uninhibited use of bright vivid colours in Mexico, this adds a welcome touch of happiness to many places.

I continue to find amazing doors on my walking exploits around town. From the most humble front entrance to the grand, there is something so perfect about some front doors.
The door is the first thing one usually notices about a place, leading me to believe, that what I see on the outside perhaps represents what lays on the interior. What I would give to be able to have a peek inside some of these homes!
A new trend I have seen in my photography is the subject of windows. Like doors, they offer a glimpse into the soul of a home. Many here are covered with extraordinary cast iron grill work on the exterior.

I absolutely love that feature of the homes in Puerto Vallarta. Not only does it serve a purpose of safety and security, but it can be cleverly done to add beauty as well.

I have been an enthusiast of home decor and trends for years and years. Before the internet, it was not uncommon to find piles of home decorating magazines stacked up all through my abode. From fabric to paint, antiques to plants, I love everything about home and style. It is one of the things I admire and am attracted to the most when I travel.
I often ponder on what my next home will look like, style wise. Most likely it will be an eclectic mix of travel finds, just like past homes have been. The key for me is to have no clutter. Not minimalist per say, but carefully selected beautiful items that bring me joy.