I have not made a post about flowers in a very long time. Now I will not be able to leave this amazing country without such a post. For I have been surrounded by the most amazing blooms since my arrival. Here are the beautiful tropical flowers of Vietnam that I have been lucky enough to see i Da Nang, Hoi An and Hue City .

The Beautiful Tropical Flowers of Vietnam
Beautiful flowers in Da Nang


We will do this by colour and start with one of my favourites, the reds. Against the luscious greenery that abounds in Vietnam, a red bloom stands out. Also the colour of the Vietnamese flag, red is a strong colour that is seen everywhere here, in decorations, on temples and of course especially now as the country is gearing up for Tet, or New Years.


The second colour on the Vietnamese flag is of course yellow and these blooms stand out just as much as the red do. They are bright, and even though my stay in Vietnam yielded very view sunny days, the yellow flowers were my sunshine.


So beautiful and soft, I have always been attracted to white flowers. They are stunning in their simplicity. I have never seen as many orchids as I have since landing in Vietnam and the majority of these beauties have been white.


Such a strong colour and vibrant along its many hues. The purples here are very common and when you do spot one, wow do they ever stand out. Again, I see this colour predominately in the orchid family.


Typically, I am not attracted to the orange flowers, however if they tend to boarder on salmon, I swoon. Thatโ€™s not to say I donโ€™t admire them, its just not a favourite flower colour for me. These ones stood out for their tenacity and boldness, both characteristics that I admire.

Double Hibiscus


We canโ€™t have a flower post without the pinks! One of the very best colours for flowers, as there are so many natural hues in this line. From the softest buttery baby pink to the almost florescent water lily. I absolutely love pink flowers and will be attracted to them every time.

Odd Balls

There is always a category for those that muddy the waters. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŒผ I love these ones, truly. They are not bold, they are not making a statement, but they are deserving of just as much praise as the above.

My goodness I was not short on flowers to see, admire and smell in Vietnam. I felt I was back in the land where nature abounds, and it reminded me so much of Mexico, making me nostalgic at times. These flowers, the moments captured in the scene behind the photoโ€™s, will remain with me for a long time.

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