I think we all know by now that I am a cat freak. I adore them so very much. Probably because they were the only pet I had growing up, thus familiarity with the furry feline. Well, I have died and gone to heaven then. The beautiful cats of Plovdiv are prolific!

The Beautiful Cats of Plovdiv


My very first greeting on the first day walking around town, and who should approach me for some love? Why a beautiful ginger cat. It was only I, him and the pigeons in this enormous square. What a perfect way to start my indoctrination into all things Plovdiv.

As that day progressed, I definitely noticed a trend. I saw my furry friends everywhere.

In the Monuments

Down in to the depths of the ancient north forum I went, and what should I see? You guessed it, cats. A black one here, a tabby there. While I explored all things Roman, they kept me company and tried to interpret my strange English dialect.


And they are friendly too, well for the most part. I met a skittish fella today at another ancient roman relic and he darted from my every move.

Yesterday on a stroll through the park, I entertained an older Bulgarian woman who was enjoying a rest on a near by bench. There was a cat that I had spoken with the day prior, he was in the flower bed this day. Attempt as I might to get a winning photograph, that little turkey eluded me at every turn. At the end of my attempts, I looked up at the lovely woman and she smiled at what must have seemed a lunatic tourist. It was a charming encounter for me.

I donโ€™t know why there are so many cats here. Perhaps the people of Plovdiv have an affinity for felines much the same as my own. What ever the case, this is going to make my daily walk-a-bout towns, so very much more fun. Look what I noticed at a souvenir vendor this very morning.

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