While I have been visiting Konyaalti, I was fortunate enough to be here during the biggest holiday of the year for the Turkish people. This year was even more special, as it was the 100th year Republic Day celebrations.

The 100th Year Republic Day Celebrations

Finding Information

I actually had an extremely difficult time finding any information in English about these celebrations. I knew there would be many events as the flags were flying high all over the city. At the last minute I looked on the Tripadvisor forum and a kind sole and provided a link with some information the day prior. I wish I had been able to find out about the parades and such, but alas, it was not to be.

What caught my eye were the F-16โ€™s purported to be flying over Konyaalti Beach on the Sunday. I made it my mission to spend the day, out and about in that area.

Konyaalti Beach Park

Walking down towards the beach, I headed down the promenade towards the park area. There were many people setting up picnics on the grassy areas and down on the beach. It was lovely to see families out enjoying this special day.

Businesses had flags and balloons galore decorating their storefronts. Styrofoam signs had been set up for the celebration and for photograph opportunities. In all my days walking this area, I had never seen so many people out.

Konyaalti Beach

I had packed a pair of shorts and a tank top which I changed into and went down to the beach. Setting my blanket down, I had a great time people watching. I took the opportunity to lay down and relax letting the warm Turkish sun soak into my skin.

Just before 1pm, when the F-16โ€™s were scheduled to arrive, I changed back into my street clothes and walked up to the promenade.


They did not disappoint! Showing up right on time, there were four in total. Two were Mavericks, and two were quite possibly on the safety committee. ๐Ÿ˜‚ By that I mean, two were flying much lower and closer to the people and the other two flew a big higher and further out, away from the beach.

They were magnificent! So fast and super loud. As each set passed, and especially the Mavericks, the babies in the crowd would all start bawling in unison. I felt so bad but also exhilarated from the ear cracking sound of those fighter jets.

Surprised at how many passes they made, the crowd sure appreciated the show. Clapping ensued after each fly by and the mood was so light and jovial. It was absolutely lovely to experience this celebration with the Turkish people.


I headed down the esplanade further, just to see what was going on, and to people watch. I passed a McDonalds and it was too tempting. Ducking into the jam packed restaurant, I ordered a double cheeseburger, fries and coke zero. Ooooo it tasted sooooo good, I was really hungry by then.

Walking back towards home, cars were passing by and every single one was honking their horns in celebration. Kids were standing up through the sunroofs waving flags. Scooters and bikers were riding around with babies and pets. Everyone had big smiles on their faces and were singing Turkish songs. The pride of country was oozing from the crowd and was beautiful to see.

Republic Day Celebrations

What a great experience for me. To see a people so united and happy, celebrating together was heartwarming. One of the most beautiful things about travel is being exposed to different ways of being, different ways of living and culture. This day was about families spending time together in the company of their fellow countrymen.

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