Showing: 1 - 20 of 237 RESULTS
Bali Blog Canggu Flowers Sanur Seminyak Ubud

Botanical Bali, How Beautiful the Flowers Are

I haven’t had the best time in Bali to be honest. The over-tourism, congestion, traffic, unsanitary conditions, amount of bugs and unexpected unpleasantness has been more than any other place I have visited. However, one thing that always brightens my day, and stay, is the vegetation. Botanical Bali, how beautiful the flowers are, bringing joy …

Bali Beach Vibes Blog Sanur

The Beautiful Golden Sand Beaches in Sanur Bali

Now onto my third coastal destination while visiting this Indonesian island this year. Previously I have explored the Seminyak and Canggu areas. The beautiful golden sand beaches in Sanur Bali are surprisingly busy, mostly with locals enjoying the sea. Sindhu Beach This is a gorgeous gold sand beach just south of Segara & Sanur. Here …