Showing: 1 - 11 of 11 RESULTS
Blog Italy Modica

Beautiful Sicilian Doors in Modica

Oh how I love my doors. Every single city I explore, my camera roll is consistently filled with images of doors, doorways, door décor etc. As I have wandered the quaint streets of this beautiful town, my passions have been re-ignited. The beautiful Sicilian doors in Modica are abundant and incredibly charming. Rustic Doors Probably …

Blog Italy Modica

Beautiful Scenic Views Around Modica

I have an increasingly large number of picturesque landscape photographs on my phone of this gorgeous city. More than any other city in fact. There is something so completely ancient and charming about Sicily. More specifically, the beautiful scenic views around Modica are next level. Two Sides There are actually several different parts to Modica. …

Blog Cemeteries Italy Rome

The Beautiful Cimitero Acattolico

Cimitero Acattolico Is the Non-Catholic cemetery or sometimes called the Protestant cemetery. It is located in the Testaccio neighbourhood. Not too far to walk to from other historical sites. The beautiful Cimitero Acattolico is my favourite cemetery in Rome. The Site This is a private cemetery and still in use today. Visitors are allowed to …