Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
Blog Cemeteries Italy Rome

The Beautiful Cimitero Acattolico

Cimitero Acattolico Is the Non-Catholic cemetery or sometimes called the Protestant cemetery. It is located in the Testaccio neighbourhood. Not too far to walk to from other historical sites. The beautiful Cimitero Acattolico is my favourite cemetery in Rome. The Site This is a private cemetery and still in use today. Visitors are allowed to …

Blog Malta

Time Travel to Mdina & Rabat

For my long daily walk, I decided to take the bus to a new to me area. Time travel to Mdina & Rabat was on the menu today. Mdina is an incredibly old city and up until 400 years ago, used to be the capital of Malta. It is full of history, a gorgeous cathedral …