Showing: 1 - 11 of 11 RESULTS
Blog Jordan Petra & Wadi Musa

Hike the Extraordinary Al-Khubtha Trail in Petra

One of my favourite days spent at Petra was climbing the Al-Khubtha Trail. It begins at a staircase behind the Royal Tombs and goes ever upwards. There are two magnificent viewpoints that are the goal. Hike the extraordinary Al-Khubtha Trail in Petra and let this be your highlight. Please Note It is suggested that you …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

The Beautiful Roman Theatre

There are so many ancient Roman ruins in Plovdiv, it is a history lovers delight. One such place that cannot be missed on a visit to the city, is the beautiful Roman theatre of Philippopolis located in Old Town. Brief History This magnificent theatre was built during the 1st century AD and accommodated 5,000 – …