Showing: 1 - 15 of 15 RESULTS
Advice & Recommendations Blog Jordan Petra & Wadi Musa Wadi Rum

Travel on the Rum Bus from Petra to Wadi Rum

I have previously decided that on this trip to Jordan, I will be relying on public transportation. I am a budget traveller, and after doing my research, this was the cheapest option for me. Although many will suggest you hire a driver for Jordan, the bus is limited but doable. Come travel on the Rum …

Blog Mexico Puerto Morelos

Tropical Christmas

So my brain is having a little difficulty with the juxtaposition of a tropical Christmas. I’m Canadian and am most familiar with the typical western Christmas. You know, the cold weather, soaring dark pine trees, snow covered ground and mugs of hot chocolate. Being absolutely bombarded everywhere you go with Christmas music and decorations, usually …