Showing: 21 - 29 of 29 RESULTS
Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

The Fraternal Barrow Memorial Complex

One day, I was walking around, exploring the area far beyond the tourist zone. In the distance I could see this massive white structure that I decided to investigate on another day. Well, today was that day. What I found was the Fraternal Barrow Memorial Complex or sometimes nicknamed the ‘Brotherly Mound’. Brief History Only …

Blog Croatia Split

The Archaeology Museum of Split

Wow, what a cool place. After reading a few reviews online, I was not expecting to see as many unique pieces as I did. In fact, I though I may even leave underwhelmed. Luckily, I had the complete opposite experience. The Archaeology Museum of Split is definitely worth a visit if you have a few …

Blog Malta

Happy Easter from Malta!

Easter Sunday is a day of huge celebrations here in Malta, for it is the resurrection of Jesus today. The church bells have been ringing for hours! Fire crackers have been booming, people have been throwing confetti and candy from their windows as processions pass by on the streets below. Happy Easter from Malta! I …

Blog Malta

Our Lady of Sorrows Procession

After being in Malta for a few days, and specifically being here over Easter, I can see that many of my posts are going to centre around religion. This is the first, experiencing Our Lady of Sorrows Procession on this past Friday evening. From what I have been told, Malta is 98% Catholic. The country …