Showing: 21 - 26 of 26 RESULTS

My 6 Month Travel Anniversary

Wow, I cannot believe I have been on the go for six months already. While the time hasn’t gone fast per say, it feels like maybe 4 months have gone by. My 6 month travel anniversary is today and I though I would jot down a few thoughts. My Pace I feel like I have …


My 5 Best Amazon Travel Finds So Far

I was thinking today on my morning walk, it has almost been four months since I left home and began this journey. That started me wondering about what I have used the most, or found the most useful thus far. My 5 best Amazon travel finds so far are a backpack, packing cubes, travel wrist …


Practising the Act of Gratitude

I’ve been practising the act of gratitude for a while now. It helps me keep things in perspective. Many times personal issues can seem overwhelming. They grow to an insurmountable size and feel crushing. Practising gratitude helps me remember how lucky I am. That no matter what is going on in my life, I truly …