Showing: 1 - 20 of 21 RESULTS

My 6 Month Travel Anniversary

Wow, I cannot believe I have been on the go for six months already. While the time hasnโ€™t gone fast per say, it feels like maybe 4 months have gone by. My 6 month travel anniversary is today and I though I would jot down a few thoughts. My Pace I feel like I have …

Blog Croatia Split

The 6 Ancient Churches on Marjan Hill

Marjan Hill is a fascinating place to explore with an extensive history. Upon this peninsula are numerous churches, however only a handful have been preserved and remain standing today. All of the 6 ancient churches on Marjan Hill are accessible by foot and are completely charming in their appearance. Marjan Hill has been used as …

Blog Italy Rome

Get Lost With Me in Rome

Some times the best days are the ones that are completely unplanned. Today when I awoke, I had no destination in mind for my long walk. So, I simply decided to walk! Come get lost with me in Rome and see what treasures I found this morning. To Begin It is a drizzly morning today; …

Blog Food Italy Rome

Eating Amazing Food in Rome

Visiting Italy is a foodieโ€™s dream come true. The quality of ingredients is high, the pure simplicity of the dishes is magic. No matter what your heart desires, with a little research, you will be eating amazing food in Rome. Eating on a Budget My first visit to Rome was one of sampling the amazing …

Blog Cemeteries Italy Rome

The Beautiful Cimitero Acattolico

Cimitero Acattolico Is the Non-Catholic cemetery or sometimes called the Protestant cemetery. It is located in the Testaccio neighbourhood. Not too far to walk to from other historical sites. The beautiful Cimitero Acattolico is my favourite cemetery in Rome. The Site This is a private cemetery and still in use today. Visitors are allowed to …