Showing: 21 - 29 of 29 RESULTS
Blog Italy Salerno

Beautiful Duomo di Salerno

In just about every Italian city I travel to, there are many churches to visit and explore. They are a great place to see historical architecture, amazing art and local culture. The beautiful Duomo di Salerno, or the Cathedral of St. Matthew is this city’s pride and joy. Location Find the oldest part of Salerno, …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

Amazing Ancient Ruins Around Plovdiv

This post will not be about the beautiful ancient Roman Theatre or the Stadium of Philippopolis. Nor will it cover the various parts of the Roman Forum near Central Square. On my walks-a-bout town, I have discovered various other amazing ancient ruins around Plovdiv that I wanted to share. Fortress Walls in Vitosha Street While …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

The Beautiful Roman Theatre

There are so many ancient Roman ruins in Plovdiv, it is a history lovers delight. One such place that cannot be missed on a visit to the city, is the beautiful Roman theatre of Philippopolis located in Old Town. Brief History This magnificent theatre was built during the 1st century AD and accommodated 5,000 – …

Blog Croatia Split

The Archaeology Museum of Split

Wow, what a cool place. After reading a few reviews online, I was not expecting to see as many unique pieces as I did. In fact, I though I may even leave underwhelmed. Luckily, I had the complete opposite experience. The Archaeology Museum of Split is definitely worth a visit if you have a few …

Blog Food Italy Rome

Eating Amazing Food in Rome

Visiting Italy is a foodie’s dream come true. The quality of ingredients is high, the pure simplicity of the dishes is magic. No matter what your heart desires, with a little research, you will be eating amazing food in Rome. Eating on a Budget My first visit to Rome was one of sampling the amazing …