Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Blog Food Granada Malaga Palma de Mallorca Seville Spain Tarifa Torremolinos

A Foodie’s Paradise Found in Southern Spain

I haven’t created a post about what I have been eating on this 90 day journey across this part of the country. Besides enjoying most of my own meals in my Airbnb’s, which saves me the most money as I live abroad, I have enjoyed more than a few treats. A foodie’s paradise found in …

Blog Palma de Mallorca Spain

Exploring Vibrant and Quirky Santa Catalina in Palma

Now this is a treat. The newest hotspot in Palma is an old neighbourhood, once the fishing barrio turned trendy. Exploring vibrant and quirky Santa Catalina in Palma will give you a feel of pure Mallorca charm. Location Actually, really close to the cathedral and palace, just across the waterway, you will find Santa Catalina. …