Showing: 21 - 40 of 66 RESULTS
Blog Italy Modica

Beautiful Scenic Views Around Modica

I have an increasingly large number of picturesque landscape photographs on my phone of this gorgeous city. More than any other city in fact. There is something so completely ancient and charming about Sicily. More specifically, the beautiful scenic views around Modica are next level. Two Sides There are actually several different parts to Modica. …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

Amazing Ancient Ruins Around Plovdiv

This post will not be about the beautiful ancient Roman Theatre or the Stadium of Philippopolis. Nor will it cover the various parts of the Roman Forum near Central Square. On my walks-a-bout town, I have discovered various other amazing ancient ruins around Plovdiv that I wanted to share. Fortress Walls in Vitosha Street While …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

Unique Architecture in Plovdiv

One of my favourite things to see in any place I visit, is the architecture. So much history and cultural expression is wrapped up in the facades and buildings. Walking around every day, I have been overwhelmed by the unique architecture in Plovdiv. This city has such a varied past, and it clearly shows in …