Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 RESULTS
Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

The Beautiful Tiny Church

One of my goals whilst in Plovdiv was to hike to the top of the 6 hills that the city was built upon. Originally there were seven however, one was used to make the streets! Climbing in old town, three of these hills are available. One is Nebet Tepe, currently closed (๐Ÿ˜ฅ) and another is …

Blog Croatia Split

The Archaeology Museum of Split

Wow, what a cool place. After reading a few reviews online, I was not expecting to see as many unique pieces as I did. In fact, I though I may even leave underwhelmed. Luckily, I had the complete opposite experience. The Archaeology Museum of Split is definitely worth a visit if you have a few …