Showing: 1 - 20 of 20 RESULTS
Blog Chiang Mai 2025 Thailand

The Beautiful Traditional Thai Lanna Houses

When I was in Chiang Mai last year, my focus was mainly inside the old city walls. Seeing Thai temples for the first time, especially those ancient ones, was all consuming. This visit, my interest has strayed to the older neighbourhoods outside those walls. Particularly, to the beautiful traditional Thai Lanna houses. I see these …

Blog Italy Modica

Beautiful Sicilian Doors in Modica

Oh how I love my doors. Every single city I explore, my camera roll is consistently filled with images of doors, doorways, door décor etc. As I have wandered the quaint streets of this beautiful town, my passions have been re-ignited. The beautiful Sicilian doors in Modica are abundant and incredibly charming. Rustic Doors Probably …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

Amazing Ancient Ruins Around Plovdiv

This post will not be about the beautiful ancient Roman Theatre or the Stadium of Philippopolis. Nor will it cover the various parts of the Roman Forum near Central Square. On my walks-a-bout town, I have discovered various other amazing ancient ruins around Plovdiv that I wanted to share. Fortress Walls in Vitosha Street While …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

Unique Architecture in Plovdiv

One of my favourite things to see in any place I visit, is the architecture. So much history and cultural expression is wrapped up in the facades and buildings. Walking around every day, I have been overwhelmed by the unique architecture in Plovdiv. This city has such a varied past, and it clearly shows in …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

The Amazing Hindliyan House

During visits into Old Town in Plovdiv, I decided to purchase entry into some of the houses that have been turned into museums. I wrote posts on Klianti House and Stambolyan House. But by far, the most complete and heavily decorated of all, is the amazing Hindliyan House. Brief History Old Town is full of …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

The Beautiful Tiny Church

One of my goals whilst in Plovdiv was to hike to the top of the 6 hills that the city was built upon. Originally there were seven however, one was used to make the streets! Climbing in old town, three of these hills are available. One is Nebet Tepe, currently closed (😥) and another is …

Blog Croatia Split

Life Outside of Old Town

If I google the City of Split, most of the images are of Diocletian’s Palace and Old Town, including the Riva Waterfront and marina area. But Split is a HUGE sprawling city. The more I explore this part of Croatia, the more I admire life outside of Old Town. Old Town I have a previous …

Blog Mexico Puerto Morelos

Houses of Puerto Morelos

Having walked around the beach part of Puerto Morelos quite extensively now, one can’t help but admire the colourful houses. Luckily this town is still quaint, there aren’t many hotels or bigger condo buildings. Most of the structures are low rise and not much taller than the palm trees surrounding them. The houses range from …