Showing: 41 - 49 of 49 RESULTS
Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

Stambolyan House in Old Town

One of the houses I was determined to explore in Plovdiv was the gorgeous Stambolyan House in Old Town. It doesn’t look like it would be that amazing from the exterior. All one can see from the street is a tall white stone and plaster wall and small building surrounding a wooden doorway. But step …

Blog Malta

Stunning Valletta, The Capital City of Malta

What an amazing city. So much history, beauty, culture, food, architecture and ambience. Stunning Valletta, the capital city of Malta, seems to have it all. I’ll show you some photographs so you can see what you will be embraced with when you arrive. Within the old city walls, Valletta is actually really easy to navigate. …

Blog Malta

Time Travel to Mdina & Rabat

For my long daily walk, I decided to take the bus to a new to me area. Time travel to Mdina & Rabat was on the menu today. Mdina is an incredibly old city and up until 400 years ago, used to be the capital of Malta. It is full of history, a gorgeous cathedral …

Blog Malta

Our Lady of Sorrows Procession

After being in Malta for a few days, and specifically being here over Easter, I can see that many of my posts are going to centre around religion. This is the first, experiencing Our Lady of Sorrows Procession on this past Friday evening. From what I have been told, Malta is 98% Catholic. The country …

Blog Malta

My First Impressions of Malta

Wow. I’m in love. ❤️ Looking out the car windows on the ride from the airport, I knew I had made a great choice in visiting this country. I have been here a few days now, here are my first impressions of Malta. Most structures are made of huge limestone blocks ranging from ivory to …