Showing: 1 - 15 of 15 RESULTS
Blog Chiang Mai 2025 Thailand

The Beautiful Traditional Thai Lanna Houses

When I was in Chiang Mai last year, my focus was mainly inside the old city walls. Seeing Thai temples for the first time, especially those ancient ones, was all consuming. This visit, my interest has strayed to the older neighbourhoods outside those walls. Particularly, to the beautiful traditional Thai Lanna houses. I see these …

Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

Amazing Ancient Ruins Around Plovdiv

This post will not be about the beautiful ancient Roman Theatre or the Stadium of Philippopolis. Nor will it cover the various parts of the Roman Forum near Central Square. On my walks-a-bout town, I have discovered various other amazing ancient ruins around Plovdiv that I wanted to share. Fortress Walls in Vitosha Street While …