Showing: 1 - 13 of 13 RESULTS
Blog Croatia Split

Salona, A Visit to the Amphitheatre

I saw the coolest things today! A lover of all things ancient, I cannot but help marvel at the human being, 2000 thousand years ago. What they created is nothing short of spectacular. And to think those things are still around for me to explore today, well that is even more magnificent. Salona, a visit …

Blog Croatia Split

The Trail Leading to Baba Marta’s House

On further exploration of Marjan Forest Park, I stumbled onto a beautiful narrow trail right at the top of the mountain. It starts at the apex (โ€˜saddleโ€™) and goes all the way to the Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries at the western point. The trail leading to Baba Martaโ€™s House is full of interesting discoveries! …

Blog Croatia Split

The Marjan Forest Park Loop

Inside this huge and amazing natural space is a myriad of hiking trails that I plan to explore in the coming weeks. To get a feel for the size of this park though, I thought I would try walking the Marjan Forest Park loop. It is a 5 kilometre walk around the perimeter, and took …