Showing: 1 - 17 of 17 RESULTS
Blog Bulgaria Plovdiv

The Fraternal Barrow Memorial Complex

One day, I was walking around, exploring the area far beyond the tourist zone. In the distance I could see this massive white structure that I decided to investigate on another day. Well, today was that day. What I found was the Fraternal Barrow Memorial Complex or sometimes nicknamed the โ€˜Brotherly Moundโ€™. Brief History Only …

Blog Croatia Split

Salona, A Visit to the Amphitheatre

I saw the coolest things today! A lover of all things ancient, I cannot but help marvel at the human being, 2000 thousand years ago. What they created is nothing short of spectacular. And to think those things are still around for me to explore today, well that is even more magnificent. Salona, a visit …

Blog Cemeteries Italy Rome

The Beautiful Cimitero Acattolico

Cimitero Acattolico Is the Non-Catholic cemetery or sometimes called the Protestant cemetery. It is located in the Testaccio neighbourhood. Not too far to walk to from other historical sites. The beautiful Cimitero Acattolico is my favourite cemetery in Rome. The Site This is a private cemetery and still in use today. Visitors are allowed to …