I have two posts now showcasing the colourful homes here in Po Mo Mexico. I thought it was time to show off the sleek & beautiful contemporary homes in Puerto Morelos. By now, I have been wandering the beach town and the colonias extensively. I would say I have been up and down most of the streets of both parts of the township. While the houses predominantly consist of single level, traditional style cinder block construction, there are definitely some newer places that are breathtaking in their simplicity and stand apart from the majority.

Many of these newer and more contemporary homes are using a simplistic palette of white, grey and perhaps one other feature colour. I find these homes just as striking as I do their colourful counterparts. These homes above remind me of the Mediterranean and perhaps their owner hails from that area of the globe.

This home in the Pescadores neighbourhood would have a gorgeous view from the circular window looking out over the tree tops of the mangroves. The stone facade seems to be a newer trend in the area.
Single Level Construction
The majority of the homes here in Puerto Morelos are single story construction. Street after street have identical foundations. The homes consist of a small front yard area that many use to park their vehicles. There are two front windows beside the front door. Inside are two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living area. The owner then has the opportunity to embellish the base structure with another level and exterior fortification should they desire.

Above is a beautiful example of a home that has had an external front gate and walls constructed in a more modern design. You will notice the use of the decorative stone once again.
The casa below is a double lot and shows the addition of a second floor and a beautufl metal front gate.

Anyone who knows me will know that I am a lover of simplistic design and decor. I prefer a clean fresh contemporary interior with visages of embellishment. The same goes for the exterior. I have often stated that I could live in a simple four sided box, surrounded by windows on all sides and plunked dead centre in a sea of wheat.
I seem to have a somewhat schizophrenic passion for homes though. For as much as I adore clean fresh lines and a simple colour palette, I also will swing entirely in the opposite direction and fall head over heels for eclectic chaos.
When I have decided to settle again, it will be interesting to see which of these drastically different styles I am ready to inhabit. Perhaps a blend of the two.
Find joy in your nest my friends, adios. 🙂