
Each morning when I return from my walk, I take a cup of coffee and a book out onto my terrace. This morning it occurred to me that this is one of life’s simple pleasures that is so integral to my well being. I am currently drinking a Mexican brand of coffee called Blason. The variety that I have just finished this morning was ‘Oaxaca’ and tomorrow I will open a fresh bag of ‘Veracruz’. I really enjoyed the Oaxaca. It was thick and rich with a sweet nutty presence. I like my coffee dark and strong, not watery like tea. There can be a fine line between a strong coffee and a bitter coffee. The Oaxaca was beautifully balance and not bitter at all.


When I’m looking for somewhere to stay, one of my top three priorities for potential accommodation is outdoor seating. This usually comes in the form of a terrace, patio, deck what have you. I absolutely love sitting outside to eat, read, people watch and contemplate my navel. Today as I sat outside, I couldn’t help but feel sooooo lucky. Here I was, lounging under the big blazing Mexican sun, feeling warmth from head to toe. The breeze was rustling through the palm fronds and keeping all bugs at bay. Larger birds were squawking in that loud pitched, punctuated yell that tropical birds do so well. Smaller ones were flitting around tweeting about this or that in that sweet sing song trill. There was even a large predator looking bird soaring high in the thermals coming off the coast.

Frog on a fence


I’m currently reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Its an older book but beautifully written with the most playful adjectives. I have read it before, years ago. My mind has no retention for names at all. I can pick a book or a movie, and in that moment when I’m making the choice, I am utterly convinced that I have not read nor watched the show. However when I get about a quarter way through, it will suddenly dawn on me that I have indeed already imbibed. This book is good enough to keep going a second time, and who knows, maybe even a third. Hahahaha

Okay time for the pool now. And more reading. Ahhhh what I life I lead.

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