The travelling carnival is in town this week, its been so fun to see what rides and games are available. It’s Sayulita Days, diggin’ the carnival every night of the week here. The games are interesting and popular, while the rides are definitely old school, bright, loud and clunky. It is the first time I have been to the carny in Mexico and I hope it’s not the last.

The selection of games at the fair is super interesting! Many of them included guns and shooting at different objects. Some of the guns are BB and pellet and others have gas powered automation which makes them really loud, especially shooting at metal objects! Targets included metal boxes, bricks, metal safari animals and plastic pipes.
Other games available were fishing, ring toss and darts thrown at balloons and other targets. But the most popular game by far, the one with the longest line ups, was throwing rocks at beer bottles! Hit one bottle, get one beer, hit two bottles get two beer, hit three bottles get 6 beer! What’s not to love??
The prizes! Wow, I have never seen such an odd range of items before. 🙂 Depending on the game, a person could win stuffed characters, beer, toys, money, food, toilet paper, cookies, snacks, posters, inflatable toys, knives, switch blades, knuckles, and guns.
Did I mention live bunnies? You name it, you could probably find a stall to win it!

Food & Drink
I couldn’t find anything sweet! What the heck? There were many bars, selling any kind of drink you desire, even in adult oriented pottery mugs. The main food area was mostly selling Al Pastor type tacos, burritos, quesadillas, all of the best regular Mexican snack foods.

Stand alone places sold fries with cut up hot dog wieners, popcorn, or corn kernels in a cup with mayo, cheese and hot sauce. There was no cotton candy, sweet drinks, ice cream, frozen ice, candy apples, none of that type of thing at all! The only sweet thing I saw was the small trays with a fried plantain and a few strawberries.

The rides varied from newer looking popular cartoon character ones, these were mostly the little kids rides, to down right ancient.

The horror house was super old and I did not go inside there. The scariest looking ride was by far the Ferris wheel, just really ancient, and it was turning so fast! I spoke with people who went for a ride and have to report that they were a little terrified!

All in all it was a great experience and one I am happy have seen and participated in. The colour, noise and entertainment were perfectly wonderful. Seeing many locals and visitors alike having fun and being happy was the best part though. Families and adults, old and young, having fun, living life, playing and laughing just like children, it was cool.