Last leg of the journey!! I am so dang tired its ridiculous but its almost over. SAW to PDV on Pegasus Airlines was a 45-minute flight with a delayed departure.

Is a budget airline, and it shows. The planes are not clean, the craft shuddered so much on take off and landing that the tray tables fell down on their own accord. You certainly get what you pay for. 😂 This leg only had about 40 people on board this Boeing 737-800, so it was delightfully roomy.

Leaving SAW
I found my gate and there was very little seating so I sat on the floor to wait for departure. About 10 minutes prior to the original boarding time, the dreaded red word ‘delayed’ flashed onto the screen. But not by much, so that was just fine.
When boarding time came, we were loaded onto a bus to be taken to the plane. After standing on the hot bus for about 5 minutes we were all told to hop off and go back inside the terminal. Not one minute later, half of us were told to get back on the bus.
And not two minutes after than, we were told to get back off and go inside with the rest of the group.
Our boarding cards were checked once again, back out to the bus we went.

Finally, we were driven to the plane, hopped on and a head count was taken. Clearly there was an issue with the number of people on board versus the number of people who were booked to fly.
SAW en route to PDV
The flight was uneventful, short, sweet, no food or drink offered and we were landing before I knew it. Most of the scenery on the way that was not water, was agricultural. Flying over Bulgaria I noticed quite a few nuclear energy plants. Another first for me, I had not seen those before.
Finally at my destination for the next while! Plovdiv in Bulgaria!! Yay! The airport is small. We were the only aircraft on the tarmac. We alighted and walked a short distance to the very small terminal. Went through passport control with no issues and collected my luggage.

I had pre-booked a driver with Taxi 1 to take me to my flat. I knew how tired I was going to be upon arrival. What a luxury to arrive, walk through the exit doors and have a driver with placard showing your name. I was on my way into the city and my travels are done.

Plovdiv and Bulgaria here I come!