I took the bus from Sayulita to San Pancho for a day trip. Wow, I was absolutely impressed by this little town. San Pancho, a big slice of paradise that I had been looking for, and have now found.

San Pancho, A Big Slice of Paradise

Getting There

The main bus stop in Sayulita is on Av Revolucion. Inside is a ticket booth where you can purchase your rides up or down the coast. The ticket to San Pancho was $27 pesos. The bus leaves every hour on the half hour. The drive was only 11 minutes, and was comfortable but not scenic.

The bus lets you off on the highway. From there, simply cross over and head down the main road which will take you all the way to the beach!


Absolutely stunning! Beautiful warm camel coloured soft sand that was so clean and fresh. The vendors were just setting up their chairs and loungers for the day. I had purchased a scrumptious doughnut on the walk down, so had a seat in the sand, and devoured that!

Looking left from midpoint
Looking right from mid point
Big swing!
From beach club

The Town

Walking back I was able to take my time and really explore the little town. What a gem! There are parks and green spaces sprinkled in regularly. Streets are ultra clean.

There is really very little garbage or trash anywhere. I saw residents doing gardening in the parks. Bringing water from their homes across the street to give to plants on the sidewalks and public areas.

The town square is spic and pan, and really quite large. There is the covered gazebo in the centre with a few outer buildings around which had yoga and exercise classes going on.

The houses and residential streets were lined with clean bright plants and loads of beautiful flowers. I just couldn’t believe the contrast between this town and Sayulita. It is apparent that this town has so much pride and the people living here have formed a solid community.

Restaurants & Food

There definitely seemed to be some really cool dining establishments around. Loads of unique coffee shops, bakeries and tiendas. All places were exceptionally clean, tidy and fresh.

San Pancho is definitely a town I look forward to returning to and exploring further. It would be amazing to spend a few weeks here. The town is quite a bit larger than at first glance. While I was walking around I crossed a painted bridge, which led me into a beautifully kept, peaceful neighbourhood of gorgeous homes. Quite hidden from the main road if you didn’t know the neighbourhood was there.

I was quite literally unable to stop taking photographs, everything was so bright and lovely. Here is a selection of random charming moments from my day.

Why hello
Jack fruit!
Soooo cute!

I can’t wait to be back in San Pancho. What an enchanting little community to join for a few weeks.

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