Looking back

Today is a good day to do some reflecting on 2022. Generally I don’t look back at the past. Its too easy to get wrapped up in previous stressors and times of unease. However, today being the last day of the year, and my last post for this year, I thought it was time to take pause.
I made some major life decisions in 2022. I had been stuck in a rut, going no where and doing nothing that was rewarding. I became an empty nester in 2022. My last child graduated in 2020. Her siblings had already flown the proverbial coup, so it was just her and I left at home.
I had always know that when my children became adults, I was going to take my time back. For me, the most important task when I decided to have children, was to be the best possible mother I could be. I gave myself happily to raising my little family. And I have three of the coolest and most amazing people in the world as my children.
But now that phase of my life is over. Not being a mom, but being a hands on parent. The life and dreams I put on hold for 25 years can now start to take shape. I knew I never wanted to stay in the small town that was my home for the past 15 years. This small Canadian town became more and more unpleasant to be a part of. I needed out.
So in 2022, I made the move! At the beginning of the year, I had nooooo idea that this was going to happen. I had been thinking of making such a change in a vague and unattached way. Dreaming about the possibilities I guess. But as the year started to take shape, it became more and more apparent that there was nothing stopping me from taking a leap, but me!
So I made the decision. I decided to leave Canada and travel. I sold my home and everything in it. I quite my jobs. I packed a suitcase, said my goodbye’s and I left!
At the beginning of this post, I said that generally I don’t look back at the past. I really don’t. I have no regrets. I have had some really shitty things happen to me. Some that broke me. But, all of those things, made me who I am today.
My past has given me strength. My past has given me courage. My past gives me the knowledge that if I can get through all of that, and still maintain my sanity and stability, then I can tackle anything that life throws at me.
So I’m jumping. I’m jumping into a life of exploration, creativity, seeking beauty, living slowly. Being free. I don’t know where I’m going. I don’t know where I’ll end up. But that’s okay, terrifying and exciting and okay.
Join me.
Don’t look back 🙂